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Masters of Marriage

A Relationship Anthology
Volume I
Wes & Neesha Stringfellow
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Wes and Neesha are certified life, marriage, family, and relationship coaches. As relationship and marriage coaches, we work with a wide range of people and offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each individual.
In a supportive atmosphere, we help them attain the professional and personal growth they are striving for. We are grateful for the blessing to have seen thousands of marriages enriched and restored.

As Relationship Coaches, we specialize in the following areas:

  • Strength Assessments
  • Self-Repair
  • Personal Growth
  • Intimacy
  • Professional Development
  • Relationship Coaching
  • Communication Skills
  • Confidence & Personal Power
  • Achieving Life Balance
  • Health & Weight Issues
  • Marketing & Network Consultant
  • Experience Leadership Certified Coach
  • John Maxwell Team Certified Coach
  • Prepare – Enrich Certified Counselor

www.Heartlifetoday.org | https://crumbleknot-coaching.square.site

Masters of Marriage

By Wes & Neesha Stringfellow

Even strong marriages come face-to-face with unusual challenges when there are global struggles such as we have seen over the past couple of years. But strong marriages have one thing in common: a determination to overcome whatever challenges come their way. As marriage coaches, we are continually looking for ways to strengthen and build up the marriages we encounter on a daily basis, including our own. Fortunately, we have had the opportunity to broaden our marriage network with like-minded people from across the globe. It is with that heart that we present this labor of love: a devotional filled with personal testimonies and words of wisdom for married couples, by married couples. This devotional was birthed through both times of joy and times of tribulation. It has the potential to renew, refresh, and heal couples at every stage of their marriage. It is for those couples whose desire is to have a marriage that will last a lifetime, growing deeper in love and walking in the purposes that God has intended for you.

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Reboot & Pre-Boot Your Marriage

By Wes & Neesha Stringfellow

Even strong marriages come face-to-face with unusual challenges when there are global struggles such as we have seen over the past couple of years. But strong marriages have one thing in common: a determination to overcome whatever challenges come their way. As marriage coaches, we are continually looking for ways to strengthen and build up the marriages we encounter on a daily basis, including our own. Fortunately, we have had the opportunity to broaden our marriage network with like-minded people from across the globe. It is with that heart that we present this labor of love: a devotional filled with personal testimonies and words of wisdom for married couples, by married couples. This devotional was birthed through both times of joy and times of tribulation. It has the potential to renew, refresh, and heal couples at every stage of their marriage. It is for those couples whose desire is to have a marriage that will last a lifetime, growing deeper in love and walking in the purposes that God has intended for you.

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